Sunday, September 26, 2010

D&C Spring 2011

Esta coleccion es totalmente increible, nunca fui demasiado fanatica de los floreados pero esto es increible. Todo esto no hace mas que sumar a mi nueva obsesion con los enteritos y tmp a la de cuadrille. Ame los shorts bombe (se escribe asi??), pero las plataformas fueron por lejos lo mejor de lo mejor. Realmente qeria encontrar una coleccion tan colorida como esta entre tanto minimalismo y colecciones monocromaticas.

D&C Spring/Summer 2011
This is an awesome collection, i was never really into florals but this is amazing. Offcourse this collection was no good to my newly romper obsession, niether to my plaid obsession. I totally loved the bubble shorts, but the wedges were by far the best item on runway. I was really really wishing to find such a coloufull collection between all those minimal and monochrome collection. Colour its what spring is all about. :)

Friday, September 24, 2010

You'll always find me right there, again


Hoy. Viernes! No, no es viernes para mi! Pero pueden empezar a disfrutar sus fines de semana ustedes. Esta semana volo y estoy preocupada porque la semana que viene empizan los parciales y adivinen que?
No, no me puedo concentrar, para nada. Starbucks siempre ayuda a la concentracion, quiza el lunes empieze a implementarlo.
Hoy fue una especie de dia de estudio igual, hice mis cosas y todo y ahora me voy a comer falafell y hummus re bien y eso es lo mejor del dia.
Nada mas

Today. Friday! No, no friday for me guys! But you can all start enjoying your weekends. This week flew and im really scared because my exams are coming next week and guess what?

Im finding it impossible to concentrare right now. Starbucks its always a good solution for concentration though. I will start trying that on Monday.
So today was a sort of study day, i did my schoolwork and everything and now im going to eat yummy yummy falafell and hummus and that makes me happy!
Soooooooo, thats pretty much it. Im starting to call thursdays Fridays.
oh! and i cryed over this video today, how patetic is that??



ahh y esto me hizo llorar, de verdad

Betsy and Jeremy S/S 2011

Bueno bueno, necesitaba empezar con eso. Jeremy y Betsy nunca dejan de sorprenderme, ya se que no puedo ser muy objetiva con ellos, estoy totalmente cegada. Asique aca estan.

Betsy Johnson S/S 2011
Me encanto lo coleccion, los vestidos y enteritos floreados y cuadrille fueron por lejos lo mas lindo. Con sus detallecitos en encaje y tules y moños y volados! Me encantaron las cosas con inspiracion naval, era obvio, dame cualquier cosa en navy y con botones dorados y lo amo. Lo unico que me disgusto fueron las primeras prendas, inspiradas en cicilitas y demas.
En cuanto a los zapatos me encantaron las plataformas con pulsera (L)

Jeremy Scott, no fue ni cerca una de sus mejores colecciones, pero en fin, tenia que estar presente. Como siempre, me encantan las formas y los cortes, las cinturas altas y los escotes corazon. No puedo superar esas epocas. Las camperas de cuero tmb me encantan y las remeras echas con bolsas me parecen geniales, de verdad. Me encanta la produccion de las modelos igual, pero esperaba un poco mas de esta coleccion.
Odie las botas y el estampado de carne no se le perdona a nadie.

ok, so i needed to start with this. Jeremy and Betsy just never let me down, i know i am probably no to objective about them, i am just blind. So here they are!

Jeremy scott, I know it wasn´t even close to being one of his best collection, but he had some nice stuff. As  always, i loved his shapes and cuts, high waists and heart shapes. Loved the leather jackets and the tees made out shopping bags. I really really loved the styling of the models, but hate the boots though.

So, this is betsy`s s/s 2011 colection, i really liked it. The plaid and the flowered dresses, tops and rompers were by far my favourites, i loved the lace and ruffles details in most of them. Loved the naval inspired pieces, i cant help it, give me anything in navy with golden bottons and i will love it!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Black Truth or White Lies??


Fin de semana. Almuerzo, cena almuerzo cena, tardes en el rio y no mucho mas que eso.
La semana que empieza ya voy a subir los favoritos del fashion week. Estoy esperando que termine la de londres. por lo genreal de ahi salen la mayoria :)









My melody <3




Weekend. Dinner, lunch dinner lunch, and afternoons at the river. that was pretty much it.
Been thinking about the convinience of white lies, and are they so convinent anyway? Dunno, sometimes i think putting up with the truth is much easier or less harmfull.
bla bla bla bla bla
Next week i will be posting my fashion week faves, im just waiting for london fashion week to be over, most of them usually come from it :)

Pollera / Skirt: Complot
Top: complot
Thigh Highs: TM
Campera / Jacket: H&M

Thursday, September 16, 2010


Despues de buscar y buscar encontre el bendito esmalte "celeste", no es lo que esperaba del todo pero bueno no se puedo confiar demasiado en los esmaltes de todo moda. Igual hasta el dia que salga el de maybeline (el cual car me reservo) cumple el proposito.

FOUND IT!! after looking for this colour for weeks i finally got it. Its not as great as i though it would but its okay until maybelline launches his.

Jeremy Scott (L) ya se, pero no puedo evitar amarlo, ustedes ven eso?

Jeremy scott for adidas originals, i cant help loving him.

En fin, es tarde, y fue un dia muy largo. Empezo maaal corriendo al baño a vomitar como a las cuatro am. Perdon, soy un asco. Volvi a dormir igual, no puedo quejarme, me sentia demasiado mal como para ir a la facultad.
Por suerte, para las cinco de la tarde aprox ya me sentia bien bien bien y pude empezar mi cursitoo de prototipos de indumentaria. Es todo sobre molderia y todo lo que pasa desde que se comienza el proceso de produccion de una prende, casi casi desde que se extraen las fibras. Asique estoy mas que contenta con esoo!!
Estoy muerta y me arden los ojos asique posiblemente valla a dormir, ya mismo

Soo, its late, and its been a long day. It started all wrong at about 4 am when i run to the bathroom to thow up. I know. How dissgusting am i?? I returned to sleep after that, anyway, and i was feeling way too sick to go to school.
Luckily i was feeling just fine by 5 pm, so i was able to finally start this new course at school. Its all about patern making and learning everything from the very start of the production process of clothing. yepp im really excited with it and its really really intresting.
Im really tired now though so im probably going to sleep right after this.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Entry XXV - Lanvin for H&M -

H&M anuncio hace un tiempo la nueva colaboracion para la nueva coleccion de Invierno. Tras contar con la colaboracion de Karl Lagerfeld, Stella Mcartney y Sonia Rykiel entre otras, esta vez le toca a Lanvin. La coleccion va a ser diseniada por su director artistico, Alber Elbaz y el diseniador Lucas Ossendrijver. La coleccion va a salir a la venta el 23 de Nomviembre y recien se va a conocer el 2 del mismo mes.


H&M is proud to announce that its next designer collaboration will be with Lanvin, one of the most influential brands of the 21st century. Designed by Lanvin’s artistic director Alber Elbaz, and menswear designer Lucas Ossendrijver, the collection will go on sale on November 23 in around 200 H&M stores worldwide. The collection of both womenswear and menswear will be revealed to the world on November 2, just three weeks before the clothes hit the store, making the launch of Lanvin for H&M among the most anticipated fashion events of the year.

Lanvin is the latest brand to collaborate with H&M, with previous collections designed by the likes of Karl Lagerfeld, Stella McCartney, Comme des Garçons and Sonia Rykiel. In a new twist, the Lanvin for H&M collection will be revealed to the world through a special film which will be launched on November 2. The film will be available for all to see online at Following the film’s debut, it will be just three weeks before customers have the chance to get their hands on a covetable piece of Lanvin for H&M.

Complete Article / Articulo completo: Here
Information about Lanvin:

Monday, September 6, 2010

Entry XXIV - Happiness is not a possesion to be prized, it is a quality of thought, a state of mind -

Hola hola hola, Se termino otro findesemana y no tengo mucho que decir al respecto. Sobre el viernes a la noche mejor no hablar, fue bastante dura y me hizo el empezar del sabado totalmente dificil. Pero lo hice al final, fui a la faucultad, dormir en el sillon, dormir en mi cama, cocine chipa y termino la tarde rapido.
A la noche practicamente esta obligada a ir a esta fiesta, que al final estuvo bastante buena asique estuvo bueno haber ido. Morimos de risa con las chicas y a las cinco mas o menos y por culpa de mi hermano nos echaron asique ahy termino la fiesta para nosotros dos. Pasa casi siempre que salgo con el, que nos echen asique no fue nada del otro mundo.
Ayer decidi empezar a leer Rebecca una vez mas, creo que estoy de humor para eso. Pero esta vez tengo ganas de terminarlo de una vez. Si, si si, me llego el momento. Hoy mientras leia en el colectivo me di cuenta que los dos primeros capitulos que describe Manderley me los se practicamente de memoria, pero es mi parte favorita del libro. Siempre que leo esa parte siento que fue escrita para que yo la leyera en algun momento.

Hello you there! So another weekend its over. And i dont have much really to say about it. Better not talk about friday, since it was terribly sucky and it made it pretty hard to start my saturday as i should. But i did, finally, i went to my classes i slept on the couch then i slept on my bed cooked cheese bread and it was pretty much it for the afternoon.
And evening arrived and i was sort of obliged to go to this party, which i finally enjoyed so i was glad i went. We had a laugh, me and my brother were kicked out at almost 5 am and that was the end of it for us. Im usually kicked out when i go out with him, so it was not that unexpected.
Another thing, yesterday i decided to start Rebecca once more, i guess im in the mood for it. But this time im really willing to finish it. yeah, the time`s finally here. It was pretty funny how i realized as i read that i almost know by heart the first two chapters in which Manderley is described, but its absolutely my favourite part so far. I always have the feelling it was writiten just for me to read it.
How crazy i am?
So, thats all. Saturday´s night outfit.

"I believe there is a theory that men and women emerge finer and stronger after suffering, an that to advance in this or any world we must endure ordeal by fire." Rebecca - Daphne Du Maurier.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Entry XXIII - Tell me im still the princess from your love story -


Bieeeeeen, aca esta mi ultimisima adquicicion. Quiero este vestido desde que lo vi en la fashion week en marzo creo, pero tuve que esperar meses hasta que lo recibieran en local y despues un par de meses mas hasta que estuvo en liquidacion! Asiqueeeee estoy bastante emocionada! Es preciososo y tiene el cuello peter pan mas lindo del munso y lo adoro. Se suponia que era una especie de vestido para una ocasion especial pero nunca cumplio su cometido. Si ya se, malisimo :( Puede ser que lo sea en algun momento igual, espero!
No tengo el humor de la insipiracion ni de escribir demasiado hoy, asique en fin, nada mas queria postear el vestido nuevo!

Soo, heres my latest adquicition!! I wanted this dress since i saw it on fashion week in march i think, but it was only months later that i saw it on stores and i been waiting for it to be on sale for a couple of months more. Sooooo im pretty excited! Its all ladylike and awesome and it has the cutest pater pan neck and i love it. It was sort of an speciall ocassion dress, but it never made its purpouse

i know, really sad :S It might be sometime, i wish.
Im not really in an inspired mood right now, so whatever, just wanted to share my pretty new dress!!



Vestido/ Dress: Como Quieres Que Te Quiera