Un post bien rapido, porque me quedo dormida literalmente y porque mañana tengo que super madrugar.
Use esto para ir a la faacultad el otro dia, me cuesta horrores pensar que ponerme todos todos los dias a las 7 am, extraño mi uniforme de colegio aveces. Es bastante sencillo pero me gusto mucho, el chaleco era una campera viejisima de mi mama, tengo que achicarlo un poco.
Perdon por la calidad, es una desgracia.
Buen domingo!
ok, this will be a really quick post, im literally falling a sleep and tomorrow i have to wake up way too early. So, i wore this the other day to school. I find it really hard to think every single day what to wear, i miss my secondary school uniform. Its a pretty simple outfit but i really liked it. The vest is vintage from my mom, i guess i have to shorten it a bit.
ps. my life vanished since school started again.
ps 2. sorry for the quality, its lame.