Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Mashroom underground y fin de año en lo de kon giraud que te voy a extrañar de los montones (L)

mashroom underground

mashroom underground

mashroom underground

mashroom underground

mashroom underground

mashroom underground

mashroom underground

mashroom underground

mashroom underground

mashroom underground

mashroom underground

mashroom underground

mashroom underground

mashroom underground

mashroom underground

mashroom underground

mashroom underground

mashroom underground

mashroom underground

mashroom underground

mashroom underground


Monday, December 13, 2010

Really late and just a coffee.

Creo que use esto como tres veces ya desde que me compre la campera, y tmb creo que no me voy a cansar jamas de usarlaa!!
lalala, un post rapido qe estoy suuper apurada!

So i wore this outfit like 3 times since i bought my new jacket and i totally totally love it. I might never get tired of it.
Its a really quick post, im on a hurry!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Pretty Good Therapy.








Heart Tshirt: Lucuma Skirt: Lucuma Striped blouse: Como quieres Leather jacket: Zucca

Algunas cositas que compre durante la semana, la verdad que bue eterna y dificil y creo que abuse de comprar cosas porque me ponia un poco contenta. Y se ve que mi mama no encontraba una mejor solucion asique no objeto,

Empiezen bien las semana!

So here are some stuff i bought during this week. Its was really long and hard and i probably used shopping as my therapy. Probably its not the best solution, but it made me happy for a while.
Thanks mom!
Have a really nice week!!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Torn from my chest and laid to your feet.



Vestido/Dress: Borrowed. Shoes: Viamo. Bag: Thrifted

Aca estoy, posiblemente una persona completamente diferente. Tantas cosas cambiaron en estos ultimos meses que me hicieron pensar realmente cuan poco podemos planear o predecir de nustras vidas. Creo que todos llegamos a un punto en el que pasamos por cosas que nos hacen ver que no existen tales como para siempre o cosas asi. En fin, aca estoy, otra, pero se hace lo que se puede. Puedo decir que estoy oficialmente de vacaciones y posiblemente maniana consiga un trabajo para el verano y realmente espero qe las cosas empiezen a mejorar en algun momento. Les doy tiempo hasta el primero de enero.
Lo que use para la fiesta de Coqui el otro dia.


So, here i am, a complete different person i may say. So many things have changed in this last few months that it really got me thinking on how little we can plan and predict about life. I guess everyone go trough a moment in which they trully realize there are not such things as forever or so. Whatever, here i am, as changed as i can be, but fighting my way out of everything. I can officially say im on vacations, for 4 whole months, i may probably have a new job by tomorrow and im really wishing things start looking up, at least by junuary 1st.